The Nephrology Service of the British Hospital Buenos Aires regularly publishes papers on General Medicine and Nephrology in national and international journals, some of them indexed in Medline Pubmed online: |
› 2020
Kidney Int Rep (2020): 1620-1624
IgA nephropathy and the gut |
[download file] |
Clinical Kidney Journal, 2020: 1-3
Eculizumab, aHUS and CoVID-19 |
[download file] |
Journal Nephrology, 2020: 1-2
CoVID-19 and aHUS |
[download file] |
Journal Nephrol, 2020: 1-8
Fabry Nephropathy: MEGALIN, CUBILIN and CLC-5 |
[download file] |
Hindawi, Volume 2020: 1-4
[download file] |
Transplantation, August 2020; Volume 104 Nro 8: 1746-1751
Old for old kidney transplantation in Argentina |
[download file] |
Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2
Cardiorenal Syndrome |
[download file] |
Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2
Sclerodermia renal crisis |
[download file] |
Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2
Kidney transplant and CMV |
[download file] |
Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2
SGLT2 and the kidney |
[download file] |
Kidney Diseases: 1-6, May 27, 2020
Podocyte: mechanisms of detachment, podocyturia and risk
of progression |
[download file] |
CJASN 15: 673–684, 2020
Identifying outcomes important to patients and Caregivers |
[download file] |
J Nephropathol. Año 2020; 9(4):e36
SARS-CoV-2 and Fabry Nephropatology |
[download file] |
Medicina (Buenos Aires) Año 2020; 80: 150-156
Des-resucitation: Fluid overload and AKI |
[download file] |
Revista de Nefrología Argetina, Año 2020, Edición Marzo,
Volumen 18, Nro.1
Hyponatremia |
[download file] |
› 2019
Kidney International (2019) 95, 268–280
K-DIGO guidelines part 1: Controversies on glomerular diseases |
[download file] |
Kidney International (2019) 95, 281–295
K-DIGO guidelines part 2: Controversies on glomerular diseases |
[download file] |
Revista de Nefrología Argetina, Año 2019, Edición Diciembre,
Volumen 17, Nro.4
Kidney trasnplantation and pregnancy |
[download file] |
Kidney International (2019) 95 750-756
IgA Nephropathy International Symposium in Buenos Aires 2018:
International IgAN Network |
[download file] |
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2019); 1-6
IgA Nephropathy and complement: TMA. Nefropatía por IgA
y complemento: MAT |
[download file] |
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2019); 1-6
Podocyte and IgA nephropathy de NTD |
[download file] |
Kidney International (2019) 95, 750-756
IgA nephropathy 2019 update de kidney international |
[download file] |
Clinical Kidney Journal, 2018; 1-8
Fabry podocytpathy de clinical kidney journal |
[download file] |
› 2018
2nd edition Choi (ed), Springer: 4053-4058
uPAR Encyclopedia of signalling molecules 2018 |
[download file] |
ANBA: Libro de glomerulopatías; 97-115
The Podocyte |
[download file] |
ANBA: Libro de glomerulopatías; 143-162
Hypertension |
[download file] |
ANBA: Libro de glomerulopatías; 269-290
IgA Nephropaty |
[download file] |
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 123 (2018) S118–S119
LYSO-GB3 and kidney biopsy in Fabry nephropathy |
[download file] |
Revista de Nefrología Argentina (2018) Vol.16, Nro. 2
Recommendations on Fabry disease in Argentina |
[download file] |
Clinical Kidney Journal, 2018, 1-8
Podocalyxin/Synaptopodin in urinary podocytes in Fabry disease |
[download file] |
Hindawi, Case Reports in Nephrology; Volume 2018;
Article ID951497, 5 pages
Mutación en MUC-1 y EFSG |
[download file] |
› 2017
World J Nephrol 2017 September 6; 6(5): 221-242
Podocyturia |
[download file] |
Electron J Biomed 2017;3:52
Acute kidney injury and chronic renal disease. |
[download file] |
Journal of the Amercian Society of Nephrology 28;
11 pages, 2016
IgA Nephropaty and Crescents |
[download file] |
Hindawi, International Journal of Nephrology; Volume 2017;
Article ID1287289, 7 pages
uPAR+ Podocyturia in Fabry disease |
[download file] |
Hindawi, Case Reports in Nephrology; Volume 2017;
Article ID1292531, 4 pages
Podocyturia and IgA Nephropaty. Role for Amiloride |
[download file] |
Kidney International (2017) 91; 1014-1021
IgA Nephropathy Review 2017 |
[download file] |
Nephron Extra (2017); 52-61
IgA Nephropathy, CD80 and uPAR+ podocyturia |
[download file] |
Electron J Biomed 2017;3:52
Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease |
[download file] |
› 2016
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Case Reports in Nephrology
Volume 2016, Article ID 1492743, 4 pages
Alport Syndrome: Podocyturia and Amiloride |
[download file] |
Journal of Nephrology - ISSN 1121-8428
Podocyturia and Fabry disease: treated vs. untreated patients
|  |
[download file] |
Journal of Nephropatology. 2016;Vol5(2):84-87
Belatacept and Histoplasmosis |
[download file] |
Journal of Integrative Nephrology and Urology.
April 2016;Vol3;Issue 2
Proteinuria and Complement and Plasminogen-Plasmin Systems
|  |
[download file] |
Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism & Screening, 2016
Volume 4: 1–5
Fabry and the kidney: more than a mere sphynigolipids overload
|  |
[download file] |
Revista de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología, 2016
Nefro-195: 1–8
Aki and Biomarkers
|  |
[download file] |
Trimarchi H. J Rare Dis Res & Treatment. (2016) 1(2): 32-33
Podocyturia as a biomarker of early kidney damage
in Fabry nephropathy
|  |
[download file] |
Am Soc Nephrol 2016; 28 doi: 10.1681/ASN.2016040433
Crescents and IGA nephropaty
|  |
[download file] |
Journal of
Translational Medicine, (2016) 14:289
Fabry disease,urinary excretion of cd80 and podocyturia
|  |
[download file] |
Nefrología Argentina, (2015); 13(2):85-92
Podocyturia in glomerulonephritis
|  |
[download file] |
› 2015
Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug
Discovery 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1-13
Abatacept and glomerulopathies |
[download file] |
uPAR, amiloride and nephrotic síndrome, Chapter 2, 1-13
Nephrology Service and Kidney Transplant Unit, Hospital
Británico de Buenos Aires, Argentina |
[download file] |
Case Reports in Nephrology, Volume 2015, 4 pages
Article ID 257628
Podocyturia and Fabry disease without proteinuria
normal GFR |
[download file] |
52nd ERA-EDITA CONGRESS - London 2015 -
United Kingdom 178
Podocyturia in Fabry disease is elevated in untreated
vs treated adult patients and does not correlated with
proteinuria or renal function |
[download file] |
Revista FRONTERAS 2015;(124)30-33
IgA nephropaty and kidney transplantation |
[download file] |
European Journal of Medicine Nephrology 2015; 3 (1)
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis |
[download file] |
Revista Argentina de transplantes 2015; 1: 14-16
Chimerism and tolerance in kidney transplantation |
[download file] |
Revista Fronteras en Medicina 2015; 10: 34-36
IgA nephropathy relapse after kidney transplantation |
[download file] |
Revista Fronteras en Medicina 2015; 10:11-16
The role of vitamin D in chronic renal insufficiency |
[download file] |
Journal of Translational Internal Medicine 2015;Vol.3, Issue 2
Podocyturia: What is in a name? |
[download file] |
Kidney International (2015) 88, 205
Milky urine and struvite crystals |
[download file] |
Austin Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension 2015;
Volume 2, Issue 4
IgA recurrence in kidney transplantation |
[download file] |
› 2014
ISRN Nephrology; Volume 2014, Article ID 430247, 16 pages
Proteinuria, 99mTc-DTPA Scintigraphy, Creatinine-, Cystatin-
and Combined-Based Equations in the Assessment of Chronic
Kidney Disease |
[download file] |
Rev Med Chile 2013; 141: 1208-1212
Asclepius rod. Symbol of medicine |
[download file] |
Case Reports in Nephrology, Vol. 2014; Article ID854521, 6 pag.
Amiloride as an Alternate Adjuvant Antiproteinuric Agent
in Fabry Disease: The Potential Roles of Plasmin and uPAR |
[download file] |
Nefrología, diálisis y transplante, Vol. 34 - nro1 - 2014
PTH and chronic hemodialysis |
[download file] |
Austin Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension, Vol.1
Everolimus and Proteinuria |
[download file] |
Revista Argentina de Transplantes, 2014; 3:152-153
B cells mediate chronic allograft rejection independently of
antibody production |
[download file] |
Revista Argentina de Transplantes, 2014; 1:33-35
Allorecognition Pathways in Transplant Rejection and Tolerance |
[download file] |
› 2013
Rev Med Chile 2013; 141: 388-393
Kidney involvement in idiopathic light chain disease |
[download file] |
INTECH Open science - Open minds 2013; Chapter 7: 128-151
Remnant Proteinuria in Chronic Hemodialysis |
[download file] |
Case Reports in Nephrology and Urology 2013; 37:51-57
[download file] |
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2013; 6:113-119
Proteinuria and its relation todiverse biomarkers and body
mass index in chronic hemodialysis |
[download file] |
Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2013; 73:411-416
Pro-calcitonin and inflammation in chronic hemodialysis |
[download file] |
World Journal of Nephrology 2013, November 6; 2(4): 103-110
Primary focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis and soluble
factor urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor |
[download file] |
› 2012
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2012; 5:1-7
Proteinuria: an ignored marker of inflammation and
cardiovascular disease in chronic hemodialysis |
[download file] |
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2012; 5:1-7
Proteinuria: an ignored marker of inflammation and
cardiovascular disease in chronic hemodialysis |
[download file] |
Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine, Hospital Británico
de Buenos Aires, Argentina 2012; 1-19
Is there a role for mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
inhibition in renal failure due to mes angiopro lif erative
nephrotic syndrome? |
[download file] |
JNephrol 2012; 25(06): 1003-1015
Creatinine vs. cystatin C-based equations compared
with 99mTcDTPA scintigraphy to assess glomerular filtration
rate in chronic kidney disease |
[download file] |
Salud(i)Ciencia 19(5),427-430, noviembre 2012
Acute kidney injury associated with sepsis |
[download file] |
› 2011
Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2011; 71:00-00
Malnutrition inflammatory complex syndrome in
chronic hemodialysis
[download file] |
Revista Argentina de Transplantes 2011; I:X-X
¿How to interpret proteinuria in transplantation? |
[download file] |
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2011; 4:41-48
Role of aliskiren in blood pressure control and renoprotection |
[download file] |
Nephron Clinical Practice 443; 11:13-25
Elevated Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide, Troponin T and
Malnutrition Inflammatory Score in chronic hemodialysis
patients with overt cardiovascular disease |
[download file] |
Hemodialysis International 2011; 15:477-484
In hemodialysis, adiponectin, and pro-brain natriuretic peptide
levels may be subjected to variations in body mass index |
[download file] |
› 2010
Journal of Vascular Access 2010; 11(2):169-170
Unilateral breast enlargement due to a high-flux
ipsilateral hemodialisys fistula |
[download file] |
Journal of Nephrology 2010; 23(06):725-732
H1N1 infection and the kidney in a critically ill patients |
[download file] |
› 2009
Nephrology Reviews 2009; Vol.1:e, Nro.1
Aliskiren and the kidney: beyond hypertension |
[download file] |
NTD Plus 2009; 2:506-513
H1N1 infection and acute kidney injury in the Critically II |
[download file] |
Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2009; 69:321-326
Acute Renal failure in servere sepsis |
[download file] |
› 2008
Nefrología 2008; 28 (5) 565-566
Hypokalemia, distal renal tubular acidosis and hashimoto's thyroiditis |
[download file] |
Nefrología 2008; 28 (5) 567-568
Disseminated histoplasmosis in a kidney transplant patient |
[download file] |
The Journal of Vascular Access 2008; 9 (2):142-147
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activity and 4G/5G
polymorphism in hemodialysis |
[download file] |
› 2007
Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2007; Vol.67, Nro.5:445-450
Dual renin-angiotensin system blockade plus oral
methylprednisolone for the treatment of proteinuria in
IgA nephropathy |
[download file] |
› 2006
Natural Clinical Practice Nephrology 2006; Vol.2 Nro.8
Disodium pamidronate for treating severe hypercalcemia
in a hemodialysis patient |
[download file] |
› 2005
The Journal of Vascular Access 2005; 6:29-33
Clopidogrel diminishes hemodialsys access graft thrombosis |
[download file] |
Medicina 2005; 65:513-517
Hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease
in chronic hemodialsyis patients |
[download file] |
› 2004
Nephron Clinical Practice 2004; 96:28-32
Low Initial Vitamin B12 Levels in Helicobacter pylori-Positive
on Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis |
[download file] |
› 2003
Clinical Nephrology, November; Vol.59, Nro.6, 441-446
N-Acetylcysteine reduces malondialdehyde levels in
chronic hemodialysis patients a pilot study |
[download file] |
› 2002
Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2002; 62:149-153
The C677T thermolabile variant of methylene
tetrahydrofolate reductase on homocysteine, folate
and vitamin B12 in a
hemodialysis center |
[download file] |
Nephron Journals 2002; 92:490-494
Late-Onset Cytomegalovirus- Associated Interstitial Nephritis
in a Kidney Transplant |
[download file] |
Nephron Journals 2002; 91:58-63
Randomized Trial of Methylcobalamin and Folate Effects
on Homocysteine in Hemodialysis Patients |
[ddownload file] |
› 2001
The American Journal of Nephrology 2001; 21:400-405
Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy and Ulcerative Colitis |
[download file] |
Transplant Infectious Disease 2001; 3:47-50
Cytomegalovirus maculopapular eruption a kidney
transplant patient |
[download file] |
Nephron Journals 2001; 87:361-364
Cyclosporine-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy
during Daclizumab Induction: A Suggested Therapeutic
Approach |
[download file] |
› 2000
The American Journal of Nephrology 2000; 20:391-395
Ceftriaxone is an efficient Component of Antimicrobial
Regimens in the Prevention and Initial Management of
Infections in End-Stage Renal Disease |
[download file] |
Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2000; 60:457-465
Effects of statins in kidney transplantation |
[download file] |
The American Journal of Nephrology 2000; Vol.108;577-580
Focal Exertional Rhabdomyolysis Associated with a
Hemangioma Steal Syndrome |
[download file] |
› 1999
The American Journal of Nephrology 1999; 19:474-479
Relapsing Membranous Nephropaty |
[download file] |
Nephron Journals 1999; 82:274-277
Hyponatremia-Associated Rhabdomyolysis |
[download file] |
Nephron Journals 1999; 82:270-273
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in a 32 Year Old
Kidney Allograft after 7 Years without Immunosuppression |
[download file] |
Human Immunology 1999, 60:1150-1155
Shared Cadaver Donor-Husband HLA Class
I Mismatches as a Risk Factor for Renal
Graft Rejection in Previously
Pregnant Women |
[download file] |
Transplatation 1999, Vol.67 No.4 544-547
FK506-Associated thrombotic microangiopathy |
[download file] |
Important: The contents of this website are mainly addressed to the interest of health care professionals and should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified doctor or other health care professional. It is important that you keep your regular visits with your doctor. |