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revistas de artículos sobre medicina y nefrología
The Nephrology Service of the British Hospital Buenos Aires regularly publishes papers on General Medicine and Nephrology in national and international journals, some of them indexed in Medline Pubmed online:
› 2020

Kidney Int Rep (2020): 1620-1624
IgA nephropathy and the gut

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Clinical Kidney Journal, 2020: 1-3
Eculizumab, aHUS and CoVID-19

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Journal Nephrology, 2020: 1-2
CoVID-19 and aHUS

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Journal Nephrol, 2020: 1-8
Fabry Nephropathy: MEGALIN, CUBILIN and CLC-5

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Hindawi, Volume 2020: 1-4

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Transplantation, August 2020; Volume 104 Nro 8: 1746-1751
Old for old kidney transplantation in Argentina

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Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2

Cardiorenal Syndrome

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Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2

Sclerodermia renal crisis

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Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2

Kidney transplant and CMV

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Revista de Nefrología Argentina, Año 2020, Edición Junio,
Volumen 18, Nro.2

SGLT2 and the kidney

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Kidney Diseases: 1-6, May 27, 2020
Podocyte: mechanisms of detachment, podocyturia and risk
of progression

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CJASN 15: 673–684, 2020
Identifying outcomes important to patients and Caregivers

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J Nephropathol. Año 2020; 9(4):e36
SARS-CoV-2 and Fabry Nephropatology

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Medicina (Buenos Aires) Año 2020; 80: 150-156
Des-resucitation: Fluid overload and AKI

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Revista de Nefrología Argetina, Año 2020, Edición Marzo,
Volumen 18, Nro.1


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› 2019

Kidney International (2019) 95, 268–280
K-DIGO guidelines part 1: Controversies on glomerular diseases

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Kidney International (2019) 95, 281–295
K-DIGO guidelines part 2: Controversies on glomerular diseases

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Revista de Nefrología Argetina, Año 2019, Edición Diciembre,
Volumen 17, Nro.4

Kidney trasnplantation and pregnancy

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Kidney International (2019) 95 750-756
IgA Nephropathy International Symposium in Buenos Aires 2018:
International IgAN Network

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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2019); 1-6
IgA Nephropathy and complement: TMA. Nefropatía por IgA
y complemento: MAT

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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2019); 1-6
Podocyte and IgA nephropathy de NTD

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Kidney International (2019) 95, 750-756
IgA nephropathy 2019 update de kidney international

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Clinical Kidney Journal, 2018; 1-8
Fabry podocytpathy de clinical kidney journal

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› 2018

2nd edition Choi (ed), Springer: 4053-4058
uPAR Encyclopedia of signalling molecules 2018

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ANBA: Libro de glomerulopatías; 97-115
The Podocyte

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ANBA: Libro de glomerulopatías; 143-162

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ANBA: Libro de glomerulopatías; 269-290
IgA Nephropaty

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Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 123 (2018) S118–S119
LYSO-GB3 and kidney biopsy in Fabry nephropathy

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Revista de Nefrología Argentina (2018) Vol.16, Nro. 2
Recommendations on Fabry disease in Argentina

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Clinical Kidney Journal, 2018, 1-8
Podocalyxin/Synaptopodin in urinary podocytes in Fabry disease

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Hindawi, Case Reports in Nephrology; Volume 2018;
Article ID951497, 5 pages

Mutación en MUC-1 y EFSG

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› 2017

World J Nephrol 2017 September 6; 6(5): 221-242

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Electron J Biomed 2017;3:52
Acute kidney injury and chronic renal disease.

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Journal of the Amercian Society of Nephrology 28;
11 pages, 2016

IgA Nephropaty and Crescents

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Hindawi, International Journal of Nephrology; Volume 2017;
Article ID1287289, 7 pages

uPAR+ Podocyturia in Fabry disease

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Hindawi, Case Reports in Nephrology; Volume 2017;
Article ID1292531, 4 pages

Podocyturia and IgA Nephropaty. Role for Amiloride

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Kidney International (2017) 91; 1014-1021
IgA Nephropathy Review 2017

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Nephron Extra (2017); 52-61
IgA Nephropathy, CD80 and uPAR+ podocyturia

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Electron J Biomed 2017;3:52
Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease

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› 2016

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Case Reports in Nephrology
Volume 2016, Article ID 1492743, 4 pages

Alport Syndrome: Podocyturia and Amiloride

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Journal of Nephrology - ISSN 1121-8428
Podocyturia and Fabry disease: treated vs. untreated patients

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Journal of Nephropatology. 2016;Vol5(2):84-87
Belatacept and Histoplasmosis

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Journal of Integrative Nephrology and Urology.
April 2016;Vol3;Issue 2

Proteinuria and Complement and Plasminogen-Plasmin Systems

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Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism & Screening, 2016
Volume 4: 1–5

Fabry and the kidney: more than a mere sphynigolipids overload

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Revista de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología, 2016
Nefro-195: 1–8

Aki and Biomarkers

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Trimarchi H. J Rare Dis Res & Treatment. (2016) 1(2): 32-33
Podocyturia as a biomarker of early kidney damage
in Fabry nephropathy

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Am Soc Nephrol 2016; 28 doi: 10.1681/ASN.2016040433
Crescents and IGA nephropaty

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Journal of Translational Medicine, (2016) 14:289
Fabry disease,urinary excretion of cd80 and podocyturia

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Nefrología Argentina, (2015); 13(2):85-92
Podocyturia in glomerulonephritis

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› 2015

Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug
Discovery 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1-13

Abatacept and glomerulopathies

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uPAR, amiloride and nephrotic síndrome, Chapter 2, 1-13

Nephrology Service and Kidney Transplant Unit, Hospital
Británico de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Case Reports in Nephrology, Volume 2015, 4 pages
Article ID 257628

Podocyturia and Fabry disease without proteinuria and
normal GFR

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52nd ERA-EDITA CONGRESS - London 2015 -
United Kingdom 178

Podocyturia in Fabry disease is elevated in untreated
vs treated adult patients and does not correlated with
proteinuria or renal function

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Revista FRONTERAS 2015;(124)30-33
IgA nephropaty and kidney transplantation

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European Journal of Medicine Nephrology 2015; 3 (1)
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis

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Revista Argentina de transplantes 2015; 1: 14-16
Chimerism and tolerance in kidney transplantation

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Revista Fronteras en Medicina 2015; 10: 34-36
IgA nephropathy relapse after kidney transplantation

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Revista Fronteras en Medicina 2015; 10:11-16
The role of vitamin D in chronic renal insufficiency

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Journal of Translational Internal Medicine 2015;Vol.3, Issue 2
Podocyturia: What is in a name?

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Kidney International (2015) 88, 205
Milky urine and struvite crystals

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Austin Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension 2015;
Volume 2, Issue 4

IgA recurrence in kidney transplantation

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› 2014

ISRN Nephrology; Volume 2014, Article ID 430247, 16 pages
Proteinuria, 99mTc-DTPA Scintigraphy, Creatinine-, Cystatin-
and Combined-Based Equations in the Assessment of Chronic
Kidney Disease

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Rev Med Chile 2013; 141: 1208-1212
Asclepius rod. Symbol of medicine

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Case Reports in Nephrology, Vol. 2014; Article ID854521, 6 pag.
Amiloride as an Alternate Adjuvant Antiproteinuric Agent
in Fabry Disease: The Potential Roles of Plasmin and uPAR

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Nefrología, diálisis y transplante, Vol. 34 - nro1 - 2014
PTH and chronic hemodialysis

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Austin Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension, Vol.1

Everolimus and Proteinuria

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Revista Argentina de Transplantes, 2014; 3:152-153
B cells mediate chronic allograft rejection independently of
antibody production

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Revista Argentina de Transplantes, 2014; 1:33-35
Allorecognition Pathways in Transplant Rejection and Tolerance

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› 2013

Rev Med Chile 2013; 141: 388-393
Kidney involvement in idiopathic light chain disease

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INTECH Open science - Open minds 2013; Chapter 7: 128-151
Remnant Proteinuria in Chronic Hemodialysis

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Case Reports in Nephrology and Urology 2013; 37:51-57

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International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2013; 6:113-119

Proteinuria and its relation todiverse biomarkers and body
mass index in chronic hemodialysis

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Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2013; 73:411-416
Pro-calcitonin and inflammation in chronic hemodialysis

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World Journal of Nephrology 2013, November 6; 2(4): 103-110
Primary focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis and soluble
factor urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor

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› 2012

International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2012; 5:1-7

Proteinuria: an ignored marker of inflammation and
cardiovascular disease in chronic hemodialysis

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International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2012; 5:1-7

Proteinuria: an ignored marker of inflammation and
cardiovascular disease in chronic hemodialysis

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Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine, Hospital Británico
de Buenos Aires, Argentina 2012; 1-19

Is there a role for mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
inhibition in renal failure due to mes angiopro lif erative
nephrotic syndrome?

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JNephrol 2012; 25(06): 1003-1015
Creatinine vs. cystatin C-based equations compared
with 99mTcDTPA scintigraphy to assess glomerular filtration
rate in chronic kidney disease

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Salud(i)Ciencia 19(5),427-430, noviembre 2012
Acute kidney injury associated with sepsis

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› 2011

Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2011; 71:00-00
Malnutrition inflammatory complex syndrome in
chronic hemodialysis

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Revista Argentina de Transplantes 2011; I:X-X
¿How to interpret proteinuria in transplantation?

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International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular
Disease 2011; 4:41-48

Role of aliskiren in blood pressure control and renoprotection

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Nephron Clinical Practice 443; 11:13-25
Elevated Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide, Troponin T and
Malnutrition Inflammatory Score in chronic hemodialysis
patients with overt cardiovascular disease

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Hemodialysis International 2011; 15:477-484
In hemodialysis, adiponectin, and pro-brain natriuretic peptide
levels may be subjected to variations in body mass index

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› 2010

Journal of Vascular Access 2010; 11(2):169-170
Unilateral breast enlargement due to a high-flux
ipsilateral hemodialisys fistula

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Journal of Nephrology 2010; 23(06):725-732
H1N1 infection and the kidney in a critically ill patients

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› 2009

Nephrology Reviews 2009; Vol.1:e, Nro.1
Aliskiren and the kidney: beyond hypertension

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NTD Plus 2009; 2:506-513
H1N1 infection and acute kidney injury in the Critically II

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Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2009; 69:321-326
Acute Renal failure in servere sepsis

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› 2008

Nefrología 2008; 28 (5) 565-566
Hypokalemia, distal renal tubular acidosis and hashimoto's thyroiditis

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Nefrología 2008; 28 (5) 567-568
Disseminated histoplasmosis in a kidney transplant patient

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The Journal of Vascular Access 2008; 9 (2):142-147
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activity and 4G/5G
polymorphism in hemodialysis

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› 2007

Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2007; Vol.67, Nro.5:445-450
Dual renin-angiotensin system blockade plus oral
methylprednisolone for the treatment of proteinuria in
IgA nephropathy

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› 2006

Natural Clinical Practice Nephrology 2006; Vol.2 Nro.8
Disodium pamidronate for treating severe hypercalcemia
in a hemodialysis patient

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› 2005

The Journal of Vascular Access 2005; 6:29-33
Clopidogrel diminishes hemodialsys access graft thrombosis

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Medicina 2005; 65:513-517
Hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease
in chronic hemodialsyis patients

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› 2004

Nephron Clinical Practice 2004; 96:28-32
Low Initial Vitamin B12 Levels in Helicobacter pylori-Positive
on Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis

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› 2003

Clinical Nephrology, November; Vol.59, Nro.6, 441-446
N-Acetylcysteine reduces malondialdehyde levels in
chronic hemodialysis patients a pilot study

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› 2002

Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2002; 62:149-153
The C677T thermolabile variant of methylene
tetrahydrofolate reductase on homocysteine, folate
and vitamin B12 in a hemodialysis center

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Nephron Journals 2002; 92:490-494
Late-Onset Cytomegalovirus- Associated Interstitial Nephritis
in a Kidney Transplant

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Nephron Journals 2002; 91:58-63
Randomized Trial of Methylcobalamin and Folate Effects
on Homocysteine in Hemodialysis Patients

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› 2001

The American Journal of Nephrology 2001; 21:400-405
Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy and Ulcerative Colitis

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Transplant Infectious Disease 2001; 3:47-50
Cytomegalovirus maculopapular eruption a kidney
transplant patient

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Nephron Journals 2001; 87:361-364
Cyclosporine-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy
during Daclizumab Induction: A Suggested Therapeutic

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› 2000

The American Journal of Nephrology 2000; 20:391-395
Ceftriaxone is an efficient Component of Antimicrobial
Regimens in the Prevention and Initial Management of
Infections in End-Stage Renal Disease

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Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2000; 60:457-465
Effects of statins in kidney transplantation

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The American Journal of Nephrology 2000; Vol.108;577-580
Focal Exertional Rhabdomyolysis Associated with a
Hemangioma Steal Syndrome

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› 1999

The American Journal of Nephrology 1999; 19:474-479
Relapsing Membranous Nephropaty

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Nephron Journals 1999; 82:274-277
Hyponatremia-Associated Rhabdomyolysis

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Nephron Journals 1999; 82:270-273
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in a 32 Year Old
Kidney Allograft after 7 Years without Immunosuppression

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Human Immunology 1999, 60:1150-1155
Shared Cadaver Donor-Husband HLA Class
I Mismatches as a Risk Factor for Renal
Graft Rejection in Previously
Pregnant Women

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Transplatation 1999, Vol.67 No.4 544-547
FK506-Associated thrombotic microangiopathy

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Important: The contents of this website are mainly addressed to the interest of health care professionals and should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified doctor or other health care professional. It is important that you keep your regular visits with your doctor.
Nephrology Service - British Hospital - Perdriel 74 1º Piso - CP1280 - Buenos Aires - Argentina - Phone: +54 11 4309-6400 -
Copyright © 2010-2020. Todos los derechos resevados. Web page editor: Dr. Hernán Trimarchi. Web design: grm